Showing posts with label build. Show all posts
Showing posts with label build. Show all posts

Apr 25, 2015

Upgrading to Google Play Services 7.0.0 Broke GCM


After upgrading from Google play services 6.5.87 to 7.0.0 I got compile errors in sections of code I hadn't touched.


I got errors similar to these:

  • error: package does not exist
  • error: package GoogleCloudMessaging does not exist
    if (GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE.equals(messageType)) {
  • error: cannot find symbol
    GoogleCloudMessaging gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(this);


Simply put: add the GCM API to your gradle file:

Due to Dex limit issues, I stopped importing the full/bulky GooglePlayServices dependency the moment Google made that an option. Instead, I selectively compile the APIs that we need. It seems that version 7.0.0 of Google Play Services is a bit more modular than the previous one and more APIs have have been split out into individual packages.

So to fix this problem, all I had to do was add the new GCM api to my gradle build file. Compile errors went away and both the command-line and IDE builds were happy again!

compile ''
As an added bonus, the "location" APIs have also been split out. After adding that, I was finally able to get rid of the play-services-base dependency that I previously relied on for the GCM & location packages.